Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pump up the jams!

So the past few months, well just 2007 actually, was not a great one for my physique! Therefore, in an unprecidented move, I have decided to get in better shape for the new year. 2008 here I come! So I need all your help. Tell me your favorite songs for working out. You know the ones that come on and gives you that push to work harder? I need some new ones. And if there are any blog hoppers out there, please contribute as well! I want all I can get. So everyone think so you can help me bust a move while I'm slimming down!


Natalie said...

Hey, this is embarrassing but mine is Backstreet Boys!!!! Except the last time I remember really working out was a college so I'm not sure if that's really going to help you :)!!! I started a blog, not sure if you knew that it's And as far as Blog Hoppers it's more like "Blog Stalkers" and I'm one of them!! Love you

Lindsey said...

Yes I am on a search for good music too! recently I was introduced to Enrique Iglesias Do You Know? (the ping pong song)It is a fun one, I like lots of his, then I love fergie(big girls don't cry, clumsy) and pink(almost all her old and new) and even a little beyonce(irreplaceable). Also she isn't real popular but search Sarah Buxton on itunes and she has some of fun stuff(that kind of day, ove is a trip)I also get pumped up to wicked and greenday

gina bina said...

Right now, on my Runnin' play list I have One Republic-Apologize, Natasha Beddingfield-Love Like This, Matt White-Best Days...all good choices for me! They are not necessarily JAM ROCK tunes, but they work for me!

Mary and Ryan said...

You know what I am going to say already Im sure......anything Tupac, or Salt n Peppa:)

Jess Perry said...

I also love things like our oldie pump up jams...eye of the tiger...and anything really teeny boppy will put you in a happy mood and make you want to move. The Clueless soundtrack is great...wanna be a supermodel!

lramey said...

hey Margaret, it's Ramey's here- hello to you and don't ask how i found you cuz I don't know!!!

I like to listen to good ol' rap----clean versions of Eminem, Gold Digger, you know...good stuff, justin timberlake, rihanna----nothing in particular

Bethany said...

I think the Killers have some good work-out songs, particularly Mr. Bright Eyes and Somebody Told Me. They both have a great beat. I also enjoy Backstreet. I also really enjoy Natasha Beddingfield's Unwritten--it re-motivates me in the middle of my run (back when I used to actually work out). I can show you my workout list when I'm in town next week. It's pretty random.

Jess Perry said...

Hey...I need your address. I thought I had your latest address, but I sent you a Christmas card and it came back. Send me an email.

liz said...

Hi Margaret, I am so glad to see you and your cute family. What a darling boy. I am not in Alaska I am in Utah it just feels like Alaska, lol. love, Liz

Francis Family said...

Good luck with your goal! I really like Def Leopard, and Evenesance?- also the Coors have some good songs for running.

Jessie and Taylor Miller said...

Hey!! I had the same dilemma, and found some great playlists at!
I spent like $30 bucks on itunes because I couldn't narrow it down to one playlist...haha!